`14년 이야기지만 인스타그램의 시작, 스타트업 출발에서의 마음가짐, 회사 운영, 아이디어 빌드업 등에대한 이야기입니다.
Y콤비네이터 영상이구요.
Kevin Systrom
1983. 12. 30 출생
인스타그램 최고경영자
Garry Tan: Kevin, thanks a lot for joining us today!
Kevin Systrom: Absolutely, thanks for having me! This is a nice big crowd.
Garry Tan: Yeah this is quite a few people. Well we can just launch right in.
Kevin Systrom: Of course.
Garry Tan: I guess, you know the crazy thing about this audience right here is that, there might be the next really successful founder sitting. It might be you, it might be the person sitting next to you right now. I guess the thing I want to hear initially is how did you even come to startups? You know, at what point did you realize this was something that you could do, that you wanted to do?
Kevin Systrom: The first thing is that I challenge that theremight be a founder here in the audience who might going to do something big. It's like the birthday paradox right. there's absolutely the chance that somebody in here might be the CEO, CTO, founder of one of the world's most changing companies in the next 10 years. We live in a really special place where people get to work on ideas, where failure is tolerated. I mean if you travel overseas to other places, there’s a reason why Silicon Valley is so different and it's because failure is tolerated.
You asked me a question which was why did I end up getting into the startup world. I grew up outside of Boston, Massachusetts in a small town very few people have heard of called Holliston. It was there that I realized that I loved doing lots of different stuff. It's not that I loved doing technology, it's that I loved doing lots of different stuff. So I went to boarding school and I was the guy hanging an antenna outside of my dorm room window to do a pirate radio station. I was designing flyers for dances, I was DJing. I just loved doing a lot of different things and when I read required reading in school, our junior year was this book called The New New Thing. Kind of like the Netscape saga. I read that and I said to myself this seems like an area of the world I can come to and be myself and do lots of different things and see what sticks. So I was drawn, I did a trip to Stanford just to see the school because I was interviewing at a bunch of east coast schools, and I came to Stanford and I was like there are palm trees, it's beautiful, and everyone loves working hard on really cool stuff.
And I remember it was one of those first beautiful days back in Massachusetts, like you know you go through the entire winter and it's grey. For those of you from Massachusetts you know what I’m talking about, and you get to the first beautiful day and I was touring a specific school, I won't name by name and there was not a single person outside. I just said to myself like, I want to be in a place where people want to enjoy life but work hard, too. So Stanford was just like a natural fit, that’s what drew me to being out here and being kind of, I'm a little schizophrenic in how I treat different ideas and go from thing to thing. But that’s kind of the ethos of an entrepreneur.
Garry Tan: Definitely and at Stanford you kind of started your first thing, it was a classified ads site is that right?
Kevin Systrom: Yeah, as many people know, and I'm not sure how this has changed to date at Stanford at other schools, but like no one has money and all you want to do is get a fridge for your room. And I’m pretty certain that every single year someone starts this startup and I caught this trap, too, which is just like, how do you allow students to trade goods at the beginning and end of the year. And there’s this interesting mismatch between at the end of the year, everyone wants to get rid of this stuff and at the beginning of the year everyone wants to buy stuff and so I sat down and decided to teach myself Ruby on Rails. And I was like, this is going to be a really awesome skill.
So I learned that, learned about databases and learned enough to be dangerous. And this is one of the lessons in entrepreneurship, it's that you don’t have to be the best, but you have to be dangerous. Right, you have to learn just enough to be dangerous, build an idea, concept it, and show it to the world, and then it turns out there are lots of other people, including the 170 employees that work at instragram, who are much better at doing all that stuff than I am. But you need to find people who can be drawn to the idea that you build and then they end up taking it and making it even better.
So I worked on a classified ad startup at Stanford called the Tree List, it was supposed to be like Craigslist but the Tree List, it was a really terrible name. I am not a marketing guy by the way, thank you everyone for laughing. What’s interesting though is I started it not at Stanford but actually while I was studying abroad in Florence. So I love art history, I love photography, obviously, so I studied in Florence for 3 months. And I remember we didn’t have much to do after class because you know, it was the winter, it was cold, I think the program had 12 students in it. So you’d go home to your host family and you’d eat an awesome Italian dinner and then you’d sit there with tv and just say okay what do I want to do. And so wifi really wasn’t a thing in their building and I would have my laptop and I would literally just build the site at the time on my little, it was an iBook, what I would do is actually to ship code, I would go outside of the apartment building down the street. And like, I remember specifically one day it was snowing, it doesn’t snow in Florence very often that’s why I remember it, it was snowing and I would go next to the public library and lean with my laptop until I got enough signal and it would like sync FTP to make the files go to the server and then I would send off all my emails promoting it to people back at Stanford. It was literally just trying to launch this thing from afar.
Garry Tan: There’s so much you can learn form even launching this thing, that a lot of people attempt but the actual action of getting it out there. That was probably the first step to a lot of the other things you did later.
Kevin Systrom: Yeah I think what probably helped too, was like the idea that I wasn’t on the ground listening to whether or not people liked it, gave me enough ammunition and confidence to keep working on it. And then all I had was are people using this or not, not like, what do people think about this and are they judging the idea, but are they using it. And that’s very important because what people tell you and how they act are very very different sometimes. So um, the lesson I learned was not very many people were using it. So I ended up forming the idea more into a like, less of an overall Craigslist, and more of just a goods transfer. The other lesson here is sometimes it’s not about the idea that you're working on but instead the skills that you're learning while you're working on it. And that really helped me not only learn to program but also to learn to market a consumer site to people. And I mean, colleges are probably the best forum of marketing because everyone’s interconnected and they talk all the time.
Garry Tan: So an incredible amount of groundwork for Instagram started kind of earlier, having your experiences with previous startups and learning to code, I totally agree. Just being able to talk to your other founders, be able to build something for other people, it all starts early. So from there, I guess a lot of the other people in this room are in college or about to graduate, are trying to figure out what their next move is. So talk us through where your mind was at, kind of what you were thinking and the first experiences, during college and after college.
Kevin Systrom: Yeah I think everyone’s experience is different. First, everyone in this room has to take the idea that there is a perfect next move and throw it out the window. There aren’t many windows in this room but throw it out the window okay. There’s no perfect next move. I had the privilege of going to a marine base once and talking to marines about how they plan their next move. And there's this phrase called "Bias Towards Action" that I really was taken to. So the idea that you can spend all your time thinking about what the perfect next move is, trying to plan am I gonna work at Google, am I gonna work at Microsoft, like which one. Am I going to work at McKinsey or Bain. Trying to figure out the next perfect move and spending a tremendous amount of time trying to figure that out. The marines say you can spend all the time you want, but by the time you figure it out, you're dead. Okay?
So sometimes you have to make a tradeoff, what is the action I can take with the appropriate amount of information and risk to move, because moving and progress is what gets us to the next step. So for me, when I was in school trying to figure out what to do after college, all of my friends were interviewing at investment banks and Bain and McKinsey and they were getting these offer letters with 6 figures and I was like oh my god six figures right out of college is crazy. By the way it is. It is. Right, for a guy that didn’t take a salary for the first two years of founding Burbn/Instagram it was like really jarring to think that people can have such a salary out of college and you're going to go take not a great job. That you’re going to take something a little riskier. It turns out, and don’t quote me on this because your parents will kill me, but it's all going to be fine. Okay.
When I told my parents that I was going to do a startup, they were like what about health insurance, and I was like ah that’s a good point, what about health insurance. So thank you parents for making me think of that. So let's see here, but that bias towards action was like, there’s no perfect next move. You just need to know that by moving and learning, it all adds up. That summation of your experience over the last ten years is what makes you into the thing tomorrow that will be successful. And it just takes trying over and over again. Like Instragram filters came from a photography class that I took in Florence where my photography teacher gave me a square format camera called a Holga. It's this plastic camera that got kind of hip with hipsters, anyway, he handed it to me and he said you should use this and as we're developing the image, he says you know you can change the image if you put these chemicals in the bath when you’re developing the print. And I was like interesting, you put it in and the color starts changing to this interesting purple and I started thinking to myself, oh my god this is awesome I'm going to do it on all my prints and every time I made a print the people in that class were like, the prints are so cool. That idea laid dormant for five years. So every little experience you have you may not give credit to, but it turns out is super important for you know, being foundational in your startup going forward. You’ll kind figure out how it takes form in your startup going forward but each and every little experience adds up.
Garry Tan: So flash forward a few years and you're in corp dev at Google and you're kinda thinking about your next thing and you start talking to people about, well I'm thinking about starting something, maybe photo sharing, perhaps something around HTML5. You know the initial idea around Burbn starts percolating. What was that like initially, and how did you get your first cofounder and team?
Kevin Systrom: Yeah I'm going to answer a slightly different question because I have a better story about that, which is I was working in marketing at Google and I’d taken the marketing class, sorry marketing job, even though I wanted to be technical, against all the other jobs that I was offered, there were like two or three, a couple at a startup, one at Microsoft, one at Google, I took the lowest salary of anyone that like, of any of the offers that I had because I wanted to work in a specific job at Google. I didn’t care what job it was, actually I just cared that it was at Google and I would surround myself with amazing people.
That was the first lesson I learned, it's like go to where the people are and like short term long term tradeoffs, just go to where the people are. And being at Google and going to corp dev was interesting because I wanted to be near startups again. I learned a lot about startups in school, but I wanted to be back in the startup world and then 2008 happened, and I'm not sure how many people remember 2008 in this room. But the economy kind of went to crap and I remember looking at my boss and asking, can we buy this company and he’s like nope. Well, what about this company. Nope.
One of the companies I won't even name the name, but it was really interesting and ended up doing really, well I wish we would have purchased it. But the thing is he was like, we're actually not going to be doing many deals now, you should probably just go golfing. And for like a 20 something year-old thinking to themselves, I want to make a difference in the world, and your boss is telling you to go golfing, like maybe I should just leave. So I did. And actually there’s a chapter in between Google and Burbn that not many people know about, but I ended up joining a startup of some ex-Google folks called Nextstop, which was like hugely transformational for me because it's where I cut my teeth learning to program, learning to build a site, and everything I learned in that year at Nextstop before starting Burbn was actually like, it made me ready to go do Burbn. So again, every move you think needs to be perfect, it turns out just surround yourself with great people where you can learn the most and great things will happen. But I didn’t go golfing and that’s rule number 2.
Garry Tan: So Burbn was initially an HTML5 location sharing kind of app and I guess, how did you come to that? Like at what point did you come up with HTML5 as kind of the new thing that’s happening? You know, let's link that to this other thing that I also really want. How did that come about?
Kevin Systrom: I have this thing, I'm sure it exists in other people's minds, buts it's called combinatorial entrepreneurship, so just like take a bunch of terms that are hot and swap them around until you get something that’s interesting. It was like HTML5, check-ins, badges, points.
Garry Tan: Some of these guys have done that too.
Kevin Systrom: No it's ok, listen it end up being Instagram eventually, but we got there. It’s a great way to generate ideas, but Burbn itself was like, I don’t actually think it's funny, I remember pitching to Andreessen Horowitz and being like HTML5 is the future and they’re like we totally agree and I'm thinking in my head, I just don’t know how to make iPhone apps so I'm going to make it in HTML5. So it worked out for me, but that ended up being really important for our development cycle. Which was like, we were able to iterate really really quickly and launch new features because it was HTML5. And then the idea was, like, okay no one's using this thing, because it’s really slow and it's HTML5 and they can't put an icon on their screen and when they do, it's really hard to, so we knew we had to go native. But we didn’t know when and how.
Garry Tan: And then the backend.
Kevin Systrom: Yeah we had the backend, exactly, so when we decided to do Instagram, what we did was we took Burbn and we said okay, nobody’s using this thing. What do we do or rather what are people using?
Garry Tan: How could you tell actually by the way, like how many absolute users? Or was it retention metrics like churn?
Kevin Systrom: It's really easy to do select count star on users or whatever, and it returns 80.
Garry Tan: So pro tip guys-
Kevin Systrom: Yeah, pro tip. It was really easy to tell how many users we had. Sidenote, the day that it got really interesting at Instagram was when that query stopped returning. Cause there was a day where I was like Mike how many users do we have, and he was like this command isn’t returning, so I don’t know.
Garry Tan: That’s how you can tell if you're doing well
Kevin Systrom: Totally, but yeah, now there are tons of tools like to measure daily actives and cohorts. And that was kind of our own ignorance that didn’t allow us to use that stuff initially, but it kept us focused on just building stuff. But anyway we had Burbn and it was a location sharing app you could check0in. And as part of your check-in, you could attach a photo or a video and you know there were points badges and achievements, all kinds of stuff. And I had all the game theory books on my desk and I was like okay how can we gamify this thing. I was on this vacation because it wasn’t working. I needed to clear my head, my girlfriend and I went on this vacation in Mexico. And we're walking along the beach and I'm like, Nicole I think photos are kind of interesting and Mike and I had talked and it seems that’s what people love the most. And she’s like yeah but I don’t post photos because they’re not that great. And I'm like ,what do you mean they’re not that great? And she goes well your friend Greg is always take amazing photos, and I'm like well that’s because he uses hipstamatic and camerabag and she’s like, what? And I was like well you know he uses apps that filter your photos and then he posts them and she goes well you should do that.
Garry Tan: So listen to your girlfriend.
Kevin Systrom: So actually that day, she was like you should do that so I thinking and I'm like you know what, maybe she’s right, maybe there’s something there, so I went home. Well not home, we were staying in this little bed and breakfast, it was like 40 dollars a night, it was like a hostel and it had dial up internet and like basically researched how to change the look of pixels in an image. I built the first filter that afternoon which is now called X Pro 2. Which a lot of people love and use.
Garry Tan: That was the first one?
Kevin Systrom: That was the first one and actually, if you scroll all the way back to through my feed and you can see X Pro 2 and a little Mexican dog at a taco stand because we were in Mexico when we did that.
Garry Tan: Then how did Kelvin happen exactly?
Kevin Systrom: Yeah, let's not get into that. See here’s the thing we did, filters, but that wasn’t the end of the story, we had to come back and we cut a bunch of the features, we made it native. And I was like, alright let’s launch this thing. It took us about eight weeks to build the first version of Instagram. We launched and the first day we had like 25,000 people sign up and it just started, it never stopped. It just kept going and going and going and I remember leaning over to my cofounder, I was like Mike I think this is going to be something and he was like, eh I don’t know. He’s the pessimist, not the pessimist, he’s the pragmatist in the cofounder pair and I'm the disillusionist optimist.
Garry Tan: I'd like to really dig into that because that was literally one of the best launches that any app, even today, has seen. How did you engineer that? You had such an incredible amount of support from the right people, you were featured. All of these things, how do people get there.
Kevin Systrom: First of all, great hiring for your company, it starts well before you need people. You know I worked at a company called Odeo back in the day. My first day, I showed up and I sat down at my intern desk and they were like, we’d like to introduce you to the new engineer, his name is Jack Dorsey. And he sits down and like, these are the types of stories where you just meet people along the way. And the Valley is really small by the way, the Valley is smaller than this room. The people you will meet time and time again in the Valley are probably in this room right now. And you will meet them in one job and another and another.
And the relationships we built over time helped us when we got to the point of launching and we’re like, hey can you use this thing and tweet it out maybe? And my thing is, they’re going to say no but actually they loved it so much, so not only do they have to love it, but they have to be willing to do promotion for it, because they’re your friend or because you have a previous relationship. We created so much buzz up until our launched that once we launched there was so much groundswell.
The other thing is be relentless. The one thing everyone is going to tell you is your idea is bad and it's never going to work. Do you know why? Because 99% of ideas don’t work. And if someone says they’re not going to work they’re generally right, and because they’re right, they convince themselves that no ideas work, but it turns out you have to be your own advocate and you have to believe that it's going to work. I remember saying to you some people that were helping us with the press. I'm going to talk to Claire Cain Miller at the New York Times and I'm going to get her to write about Instagram. This is pre launch. And they’re like, no way you're going to get her to write about Instagram. Like Google is her beat, she doesn’t write about little startups like you and I'm like ok I'm going to do it and they’re like don’t do it, and I'm like alright I'm going to do it and I emailed her. And sure enough, she emails right back and says sure I'll come over and see what you guys are doing. She writes this awesome article our first day of launch. And that was super helpful but it turns out you have to be your own advocate because no one else is incentivized that your ideas are going to work, so you absolutely have to believe.
Garry Tan: So taking a step back, right before your launch, surely like everyone else you have these pre launch jitters, how did you know that it was ready for other people to try?
Kevin Systrom: Lesson number 3 in startups, we launched at midnight. I remember it was 12:30am October 6th and I pressed the button in the app store. And back then when you pressed the button in the app store, your assumption is, this is going to take a while, it's probably not going to go out to the public. Instantly people started signing up, and I was like wait its 12:30am, who’s up installing apps right now? No one knows about this, but it turns out somewhere else in the world, it's midday. So we weren’t exactly the smartest group.
So what ended up happening is like the first giant set of users on Instagram were all from like, not China, but Asia and a bunch of German users were signed up and we looked at the email addresses and its like hotmail.de and we're like why are all these Germans users signing up? And we're like oh, because it's like 9am, there people are actually waking up. A ton of people signed up. We were on a single server at a small little co-working facility down in LA, where you could like rent a physical server. I still remember someone saying like, why are you guy on one server, why don’t you just use AWS? And I said what’s AWS? You all laugh but it wasn’t as obvious at the time. And when we launched, it's like the little tiny server had half the power of an iPad, it couldn’t keep up.
So we called and were like, we need another server I think and they’re like another server? And I'm like yes, one more server please and they’re like it will be four days and we’re like no we need it rushed and they’re like ok will four hours work? And we’re like, no we need it now, we're launching. So when all the press hit at 9am and everyone started tweeting, first of all, never watch twitter when you launch because it's like really demoralizing. Everyone's like a newb, like they don’t know what they’re doing and I literally thought to mysel, we have this great idea and no one loves it because we’re down and actually one of the guys at the co-working place trolled us and took a picture on Instagram of us trying to keep the site up and tried posting it.
Garry Tan: It's framed somewhere I'm sure.
Kevin Systrom: No you can actually, it's Aaron Gotwell [?], you can look it up, thank you Aaron. Calling him out by name in front of 1,700 people. Yeah, there were jitters, but it was more adrenaline then anything, it was like, how do we keep this thing up? How do we make sure it doesn’t topple? I still think, if you ask many entrepreneurs, very few will tell you that they were really lucky and I think we we were really lucky to know the right people, to be in the right place at the right time, to have devices progress to the point where people want to take photos, but don’t want to take photos unless you can do something to them. We were at the right place, right time, with the right team and I feel forever lucky for that, and I mean, it takes a lot of hard work once you're lucky.
Garry Tan: Kind of a big closing question because Instagram is not merely technology, it's also an incredible community. Like while you're on your way up, how did you preserve that, how did you think about that? Like meet ups, were they just happening on their own?
Kevin Systrom: Our value is eternally, by the way, when you get big, you start writing down your values on pieces of paper and you put them everywhere to make sure that people understand what they are. And one of them, like our first value is community first, and what that means is our community is our greatest asset. Anyone in the world and, by the way, anyone can and did build a filter app . You see tons of filter apps, you see tons of people making photo social networks, but the one thing that’s really hard to build is a community. And like we started with a very small community of designers and photographers that we knew and they loved what we were building.
And we scaled it from there but we never took our eye off the fact that the most important thing to remember is that your users are your greatest asset. The people that spend the most time using your service are your greatest asset. And if you take advantage of them, if you alienate them, if you over monetize them, you end up losing the soul of what you build. Because anyone can build, Early Bird, Kelvin, X Pro 2, like that’s not hard, you can read on Stack Overflow about it, but you can't build a community from scratch easily. And it took a lot of work, it took a lot of InstaMeets, in fact our first hire was not an engineer, it was a community manager because we were like, we have this great group of people that need to know we're here to serve them, we're here serving them they’re not serving us, they’re not like our property, we are serving them and we did that from day one and all around our offices you see posters that say community first.
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