포터블 디아블로로 알려진 던전퀘스트가 1.4.1 업데이트되었습니다.
가장 큰 변화는 전설템 및 전설템 사전이 추가되었네요.
소소한 버그픽스나 벨런스 조정도 좀 있고...
그나저나... 새 클래스는 언제나올지... ㅎㅎ
- Over 60 new Legend items added
- 10 new sets affixes, and close to 20 new epic affixes
- New Legend Codex that keeps track of all the Legend items you've collected
60여개 전설템 추가(법사 전사 합쳐서..)
10개 세트아이템 및 20개 에픽추가능력치
전설템 사전 추가, 골라먹는 재미(전설템 등장 층도 표기됨)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed many graphical issues on devices that made it impossible to play previously
- Fixed issues with Samsung Tab 3.7
- Adjusted DPS number calculation in stats to reflect multiple bolts properly
- Fixed issue with floors randomly being skipped
- Fixed Gauntlet bug that was causing it to always hit multiple times
- AoE showing range not showing correct percentage
- Re-rolling "+ Add Skill" Affix shouldn't change skill now
- Fixed Issue with Elemental Critical stats on Armor not giving proper amount ( Toxic, Paralyze, Immolate, and Freeze )
- Fixed Resist Shrine ( was actually nerfing resist )
- Fixed DoT counting related to Talents
- Properly applying Frenzy attack speed bonus to attacks in certain scenarios
- Fixed Number DPS number cut off in combat
- Zealous changed to give movement and damage bonus, instead of movement and attack speed, damage given doubled
- Increased hatchets thrown by Assault talent by 2
- Updated thorns, now deals 25% of your current health per hit, times the current percentage of the enemies health / 100
- Explosions now affect props
- Blessed has received a 3x buff
- Permafrost mana conversion increased from 5% per piece to 7.5%
- Fixed bug with comet explosion doing 1/3 damage than expected
- Increased Barrier Mana Reduction from 1% per rank to 2.5%
- Buffed Resist Effectiveness by 333%
- Reworked Toxic ( Elemental Critical )
- Shock Damage Changed - Each hit of shock damage increases that target's damage taken by 12.5%, stacks 4 times ( DoT lengthened to 4 seconds )
- Torrent Changed to Paralyze - Chance to stun target each tick of Shock DoT
- All Resist changed to actually boost all resists.
- Blood Bath adjusted from healing 25% of bleed damage to 0.5%
- All items that affect Total damage now include offhand damage
제 개인적인 기준에서 블러드배스(출혈 도트로 힐하는거)... 25퍼 힐링에서 0.5퍼로.. 너프된거같긴한데...
아직 20lv에 500%인걸 보면... 적용이 안된듯도하고.. 표기만 그렇게 된건지도..
뭐 그래봐야.. 출혈뎀지가 10k이상인데 1렙에 0.5퍼면 20렙에 10퍼네요 그러면 기본 1k힐... 충분할거라 생각합니다.
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