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2011년은 안드로이드가 대박이다~ - by CNN

CNN이 2011년에는 안드로이드의 기세가 매우커질 것으로 내다봤다. 

CNN은 지난 1년간 안드로이드가 굉장한 성장을 했지만... 아직 때가 오지도 않았다고 했다. 

이 주장에 뒷받침할 이유는 크게 두개인다. 더 나은 무선인프라구축과 하드웨어가격이 떨어지고 있다는 것이다. 조만간 4G시장이 열리고 있는 이시점에 훨씬 더 좋은 하드웨어까지 ... 

뭐 대충 이 아래는 하드웨어가 얼마고 얼마나 더 싸지고.. 뭐 이런내용이다. 

한줄요약 : 안드로이드... 조만간 대박날 거임. 

CNN’s tech site has a great, and lengthy, article about why they believe this upcoming year will be the year that Android-powered smartphones REALLY take off. Android — and really, smartphones in general — have seen remarkable growth in the last 12 months, but CNN says “Baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

What is driving this huge explosion? A one/two punch that is made up of improving wireless infrastructure and falling hardware prices. We’ve seen the improvement of wireless carriers’ data networks as every carrier has either launched, expanded, or is planning the launch of a 4G network in the near future. As these networks continue to improve, they pave the way for the more advanced phones to do more and more with the hardware that the manufacturers are providing us.

And that is the second big factor in the upcoming explosion: cheaper hardware. At the beginning of 2010, a middle-road smartphone of the Android variety was running just under $200. But as we recently reported, several chip manufacturers are aiming for lower prices on better chips, and we’re hearing now that mid-range Android smartphones within the next 3-6 months will be dropping with suggested retail prices of $75-100, and high-end phones hitting that price point around a year from that.

CNN goes on to say that at those prices, people may opt more and more for unsubsidized phones instead of signing the two-year contracts. They theorize that this will take some of the power from the carriers, forcing them to fight for their customers. It’s a sound theory, but whether or not that pans out, lower prices on Android smartphones and more powerful networks will lead to nothing but good things for consumers. It’ll be interesting to see how things play out in the upcoming year, which is likely to be huge for Android.

그러나 개인적으로 봤을땐.. 아직이라고 보이기도 하고.. 

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암튼 재밌네요. ㅋ