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게임 대기업들... 안드로이드에 눈돌리나??

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Better late than never right? The Sims 3 launched on the iPhone over a year ago, but EA Mobile just uploaded the popular game to the Android Market where it is currently selling for $4.99. The Sims 3 was previously available on the T-Mobile Vibrant as an exclusive, but this is the first time that anyone can purchase it from the official Market.

EA Mobile just launched Need for Speed in the Market earlier today so that brings their total number of games in Google’s store up to four. We already know they are also bringing Madden NFL 11 to the Android Market sometime next year, so it looks like EA Mobile is ramping up their Android efforts. Hopefully our friends at Gameloft recognize this and they also begin to embrace the Android Market.

Check out the full list of EA Mobile’s games for iPhone and let us know which titles you hope to see in the Android Market.

아이폰으로 출시된지 1년도 넘었는데, 이제야 EA에서 안드로이드 마켓에 심즈3를 4.99달러에 출시했다. 안하는것보다 낫지 않는가...
니드포스피드도 마켓에 올라왔고... NFL 11도... (NFL은 굉장한 인기였죠) 올라올예정이다. 음... EA에서 안드로이드 마켓에도 진출을 램핑업하고 있는듯하다. 게임로프트 역시 안드로이드 마켓에 눈을 돌리기 시작했다.

ㅎㅎ 아이폰용 EA모바일 게임을 눈여겨 두길바란다. 혹시... 안드로이드용으로도 발매될지도 모르니 말이다.