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[던전퀘스트/공략] Affix(추가 능력치) 리스트

Here's a current list of all the affixes in the game, and their min and max values:
(공식포럼에서 퍼옴)


* 마법사, 전사 공히 적용.

** 본 최대치는 에픽능력치(주홍표기)에 한하며 일반능력치(노랑표기)는 에픽최대치의 75%가 일반최대치임

EX) 크리데미지의 경우 에픽은 75가 최대치, 일반은 50임

Element Damage + 25 - 500
Attack Speed 2.5 - 15
Mana Cost (W) 8 - 40
Extra Bolt Chance 1 - 2
Crit Chance 2.5 - 15
Crit Damage 10 - 75
Mana Regen 50 - 500
Mana Leech 0.5 - 2
Health Regen 50 - 500
Health Leech 0.5 - 2
Gold Find 5 - 50
Luck 5 - 50
Element Resist 10 - 100
All Element Resist 10 - 100
Element Damage % 5 - 20
Health 100 - 5000
Mana 100 - 5000
Weapon Damage + (W) 20 - 2000
Weapon Damage % (W) 5 - 50
Extra Attack Chance 1 - 2
Armor 10 - 1000
Dodge 2.5 - 10
Block 10 - 40
Toxic 2.5 - 10
Immolating 2.5 - 10
Torrent 2.5 - 10
Item Quantity 5 - 50
Movement Speed 5 - 15
Reflect Damage 50 - 100
Glasscannon 10 - 50
Increased AoE 1 - 2.5
Frostbiting 10 - 100
Freezing 2.5 - 10
Skulls 1 - 4
Sorcery / Hardened 1 - 4
Plague / Blessed 1 - 4
Barrier / Bite 1 - 4
Focus / Stonecold 1 - 4
Hearty / Sharpened 1 - 4
Prowess / Cleave 1 - 4
Wizardy / Might 1 - 4
Amplify / Cleanse 1 - 4
Insight / Phalanx 1 - 4
Backfire / Icebound 1 - 4
Boost / Brutality 1 - 4
Legion / Fustigate 1 - 4
Magnify / Zealous 1 - 4
Toxicity / Clarity 1 - 4
Continuity / Bulwark 1 - 4
Bewilder / Icy Touch 1 - 4
Diffusion / Assault 1 - 4
Volatile / Suffering 1 - 4
Prismatic / Prayer 1 - 4
Fester / Wrath 1 - 4
Mastery / Reflect 1 - 4
Empower / Iceberg 1 - 4
Reclaim / Bloodbath 1 - 4
Recall / Frenzy 1 - 4
All Elementalist / All Champion 1 - 4
All Arch Mage / All Defender 1 - 4
All Spiritmancer / All Berserker 1 - 4
All Talents 1 - 2
% Life 5 - 20
% Armor 5 - 20
% Reduced CD Time 5 - 15