발매됐습니다. 지금 회사일이 바빠서 다 올리지는 못하는데...
대박이네요. 저도 아이폰으로 하고 있지만... 굉장히 재밌습니다.
인터페이스는 iOS와는 꽤 다르군요. 더 깔끔해보이는.. ㅠㅠ;;
2.99달러구요. 벌써 5000다운이 이루어졌다네요(12월 15일 발매했음)
티져트레일러를 보시죠.
(죄송해요. 지금 너무 바빠서 요까지만 올리구~ ^^ 나머지는 원문을 참조해주세요)
아마 안드로이드마켓에서 구할수 있을듯합니다.
안드로이드 마켓 뚫는것은 제 블로그 tip쪽에 가면 있습니다.
블랙마켓은 저도 잘 모르겠군요. ㅎㅎㅎ ㅈㅅ..
Suggested Devices:
Best: All Tegra 2 Based Devices
High-End: Nexus S, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Samsung Galaxy S phones
Mid-Range: T-Mobile G2, Droid X, Droid 2
Minimum Requirements:
512 MB RAM (256 free at runtime)
GPU capable of OpenGL ES 2.0
Android 2.1
800 Mhz CPU or greater recommended
SD card with at least 600 MB free storage
Over the Christmas holiday the first Unreal Engine game for Android was released and it offers the best 3D graphics I have seen on an Android phone. Dungeon Defenders is a gorgeous 3D game that mixes tower defense gameplay with action-RPG elements. Originally we thought the game might be limited to the Tegra 2 platform, but thankfully it plays just fine on the current generation of high-end phones.
It looks like a lot of you rushed out and purchased the game because it already sold over 5,000 copies in the first couple days. If you have yet to grab it and want to show off what your phone is capable of, it is selling for only $2.99, which is well worth it.
Be warned that the game is over 600 MB and it will take you longer than the 15 minute refund window to download it. Make sure that your phone is on the suggested devices list (see below) before you attempt to purchase it. Those of you with an EVO, Droid, Incredible, or any other older device will experience some lag and should not buy the game.
I was playing Jet Car Stunts almost non-stop over the break so I didn’t log many hours in Dungeon Defenders yet, but the few games that I did play looked great and I’m anxious to dive deeper into the game.
Trendy Entertainment also just announced their PvP expansion called Dungeon Defenders: Arena. It should be out soon and allow cross-platform battles on Android and iOS. Check out the teaser trailer for an idea of what’s coming next.
If you already grabbed the game, let us know what you think. Do you agree that the Unreal Engine offers the best graphics on Android?