최근 안드로이드앤미닷컴에서 최초의 듀얼코어 안드로이드폰이 한국에서 나올거 같다라고 발표했다.
이것은 그간 기대를 모았는지 안모았는지 모르겠지만... 예전에 테그라2(tegra2)모델로 프로토타입사진보고 테그라 사진입수 했다는 다소 설레발적인 플라스틱 형체를 띄웠던 사진과는 다르다.
이번에 LG와 모토로라에서 협작한 Tegra2가 슈퍼폰으로 기대가 모이고 잇다.
이번 폰은 SKT로고를 썼는데... 올해..에는 어캐될지 모르겠다. 아마 내년이 되지 않을까 싶다.
삼성은 아직 듀얼코어가 테스트중이고 시장에는 몇달 후에나 나올거 같다.
안드로이드 2.2에서는 졸작이었던 LG가 2.3에서는 어떻게 될지 기대가 된다.
이에 대해 네티즌들은 넥서스S보다 디자인이 좋다...갤S하고 똑같네.. 디자인만보고 판단하지마라..
LG.. 꼭 구린 것만 만드냐.. LG폰(옵티머스)은 버그도 없어서 좋다...
SKT네.. 한국꺼잖아.. 나오기만해라 holiday season에 한국까지 가서 살란다.
등등... 여러~ 가지 반응이 나오고 있다.
If you were disappointed by the single-core Samsung Nexus S, then LG and Motorola are both working on Tegra 2 phones that should get you excited. We are expecting these dual-core handsets to be announced on January 5th at CES and be available in stores around late January to February, but it appears that Korea will get their hands on one of these new superphones first thanks to LG.
A Korean mobile news site called Cetizen has uncovered new pictures of the LG Star that look similar in shape to the leaked prototypes we saw on video, but the outer casing has been updated and this new unit now includes the carrier logo for SK Telecom. We don’t normally see carrier-branded devices until they are ready to launch so I wouldn’t be surprised if LG pushed it out this year.
To fully grasp the situation, you must understand the fierce rivalry between LG and Samsung. Both companies are based out of Korea and compete in just about every product category including phones, TV, appliances, and computers. Samsung is the largest Korean conglomerate company and LG is second so they are constantly trying to top their rival.
All signs point to LG releasing their dual-core phone any week now and I’m sure the execs at Samsung are really jealous. We know that Samsung has dual-core phones in testing, but we have yet to see any prototypes and it could still be several more months before their handsets are ready for stores.
We have been impressed with LG’s recent Android efforts, like value-priced Optimus One, so I’m really excited to see what they do with the high-end phones. Recent leaks have shown the LG Star to be running Android 2.2, but hopefully they update it to 2.3 by the time it reaches our shores.
Which version of the LG Star do you like better? The early prototypes we saw or the final version for SK Telecom?